Things I Hate About the South

#1 Confederate Flags. The South lost...get rid of the flag. Please and thank you!

#2 Walmart. Why are you going to have 22 registers and only open 4 of them? I have NEVER seen more than four open registers, even on a pay day. And don't even get me started on WIC...if someone is paying with WIC (which I don't hate, this just bugs me at Walmart) it takes FOREVER to complete the transaction. Seriously, open MORE lanes!

#3 Dunkin Donuts. Oh.My.God. It's coffee. If I ask for iced...give me a damn iced coffee. Make sure there is splenda in it...not sugar. I will send it back. And I might not be nice about it. There are SIX Dunkins in my hometown, we are Dunkin snobs and proud of it.

#4 Dogs that are not neutered. Seriously, in the past few weeks I have seen more balls than I have in my entire life. It's gross, it's not healthy, and...well, I really just don't wanna look at them!