Wishlist: Dressmaker Form...

Mother's Day is around the corner and hubby wants to know what I want. Movies? Books? Garden stuff?

No....I want a dressmaker form.

I'm not too crazy about fashions these days and like to make my own clothes with a vintage flair. I have also been known to just hit the studio armed with a drawing and spending hours making a pattern out of it (does my bloomers come to mind?). And I am just plain sick of trying to size patterns on my body. A dress form would sure make my sewing life easier. I am currently looking at the one's made by Singer priced roughly $100.

Now the question:

If you have owned or do own a dress form, is there any brand I should steer clear of? Anything I should look for? I don't have much time and don't suppose I will actually get it until after Mother's Day, but I don't want hubby to just run out and grab any old dress form. I'm looking for a good price, though. I don't think he will want to drop a couple hundred here. If that were the case, I would shoot for the rear tine tiller for my garden!