The $500 Question...Continued

The other day I posed the question "what would you do with $500?" It was a little random since I never explained where that money came from. When Danny got his tax refund, we let it sit in the bank for a little bit, we had bills that we were expecting. Three months later, we never got the bill..and we started to think maybe he wasn't going to have to end up owing money. Tuesday night we decided we would each take some money, buy the things we want, put some in savings, buy Kaleb school clothes and put some aside for Disney.

Tuesday night Danny bought his golf clubs.

Yesterday the  mail came, the ever-friendly-mail man brought the golf clubs......and the bill we were expecting. Perfect timing, right?

So now, Danny has his golf clubs (and apparently new shoes), less will be going into savings and the Disney fund, and we have to pay this bill. I knew this was going to happen.

The good news? The dress I dreamed of is sold now I don't have to suffer knowing that I could have had it.