Happy 1st Birthday Flip Flops & Combat Boots!

I have been an official blogger for one year! What first started off as something I did out of boredom has turned into something I love doing. I love sharing stories, rants and adventures. And I love getting to know my readers. I have made some amazing real-life friends through Flip Flops & Combat Boots. And I have made some amazing blogging best friends, who I feel like I really know. I look forward to reading everyone's blogs!

My blog started off slooooow. I didn't start getting consistent comments until me and Danny got engaged in October. And only recently have I started getting a huge amount of comments on entries! I have done a few giveaways and am currently doing a swap with some awesome girls (and yes, we will do this again!) And to celebrate my blogs birthday, I'm giving military spouses presents (I have six lined up!) I love my guest bloggers and being able to share different stories and views with everyone. I have been spotlighted on a  blog, and have won two giveaways! I think that's pretty cool!

I, of course, have some favorite entries! Here are some snippets and the links where you can find the full post!

1) Anna May did our engagement and wedding pictures. These are two of my favorite engagement pictures!
2) We got into a fight..about burritos! This is what I heard: "Jeez fatty, maybe you shouldn't be eating that unless you plan to run a marathon and starve yourself for the rest of the week." This is what really happened!
3) I am obsessed with our wedding. I posted lots of pictures! here, here, here, here, and here!
4) Hubby has a feminine side! And told me not to blog about it!

Here's to more years of blogging, giveaways and fun!