Yesterday was a-ma-zing. There's not even a word to describe how awesome the concert was.

But let's back up. We were four very cranky people on the way out to the concert. This is what the ride looked like...

Let's just say it was a very long four hours. With no talking. We couldn't wait to get out of that car!
But get alcohol into our systems...and we're good to go! We had dinner at Enso, an amazing sushi place. Everything was so so good! We had stuffed mussels to get started, had some wine and sushi. It was a great way to start the night!

After dinner we walked around the area a little bit. I wish we had more time, Charlotte looks really nice!

It was so so hot out. We stood in line waiting for the doors to open, and sweated our butts off. At 6PM they finally opened!!

We couldn't wait to get to our seats and for the show to start. But we had to wait for TWO hours before the show started. But once it was amazing. He sang all of our favorite Beatles and Wings songs. Two and a half hours of Sir Paul singing, playing guitar, piano, ukulele. My favorites? Hey Jude, everyone singing together...I got chills. Back in the USSR, I just love that song so much! Let it Be, all time favorite. And so many more, seriously, there wasn't a bad song!

And now...videos!!!!

After the show and all the beers, we wanted some food! We headed to Wild Wings Cafe and had some salty deliciousness that tasted so good at the time...but totally regretted it today! Fried pickles, yum!

We got back to the hotel, had a good laugh over the size of the pullout...and passed out after an AWESOME day!