Cutting Back

I stress about money...a lot. More than any person should. Literally, the muscles in my arm were sore because I was so tense earlier today. We have a budget, we stick to the budget..but still, I'm constantly stressing. I'd rather pass up cute dresses, clothes, new phone, new computer...and save for trips and other fun things we can do together.

Why do we pay $95 a month for cable? We hardly ever watch it. We should cut back to just the basic ABC, NBC, CBS...really, that's all I watch in the morning. We watch movies the rest of the time. And if something good is going to be's usually on Hulu. I'll be having Danny calling to cancel the stuff we don't use. It's a waste.

Why do I pay $80 for a cell phone that I only text on? 450 roll over minutes that I never use. I hate the phone. Today I joined my Moms family plan for $10 a month, we'll share minutes...but who cares, it's free Verizon-to-Verizon, and well..everyone I know has Verizon. And she said it's unlimited texting. No internet, but oh well, I can live without it. It's $175 to cancel my AT&T contract, but in the long run...I'll be saving money.

I will not stop saving money for our Disney trip. Maybe we won't get to stay IN the parks resorts. But who cares? Other hotels have free transportation. The only downfall is, food wouldn't be included. We would just have to budget a little more.

My Avon isn't selling as well as I thought it would. But as long as I have one eCustomer every two weeks, I'm not losing money. So, I'll keep doing that.

I LIKE staying home taking care of everything. Not driving saves a bunch, but it also keeps me from working. I think I will be getting my license (I don't want anymore hater comments on this...not in the mood to deal with them.) soon. And then maybe work part time somewhere. But really, I like having nights and weekends off to be home and take care of things. We're not losing any money by me doing that, I sit in silence with no TV all day haha!

I'm super stressed about the holidays (note: it's only July....) Like, where will we be spending them, how will we be getting there and how in God's name will we be getting anyone presents.

Seriously, these are the things constantly running through my head.

Tonight we're going to sit down and redo the entire budget for the billionth time.  I have my notebook, pencils and calculator ready to go. Wish me luck!

And tomorrow....I'll have happy news. No more Debbie Downer!