Too Funny Not to Share!

So, sometimes we like to conserve water and shower together. TMI, I know. But this shower story is too funny that I just had to share...

Let's start with this. I'm 24 years old and still cut myself shaving.

We're in the shower, Danny is standing under the water washing his I take this opportunity to shave my armpits. I'm just finishing up when he starts putting body wash on his man-loofah (he calls it a man-tool..but lets face it, it's a loofah!) He yells "OUCH!" I look down and there is blood EVERYWHERE. I'm thinking to myself "shit, how does one even cut their armpit?!"

Danny says "I stepped on the cap to your razor."

I'm like "oh shit, you cut your foot?!?"

He looks at me, laughs and says "that's my body wash you nerd."

I was laughing so hard. Why does his body wash look just like blood!? I almost had a heart attack thinking we were both bleeding to death!

My next statement was "I wish I had my camera right now!" I think we laughed for like ten minutes before I could explain that I wanted pictures of the "blood."

So here it is....the blood! (taken in the sink...I'm not a creep with a camera in the shower!)