We Have A Winner

Well, majority rules!  I have chosen from the last giveaway post who the winner will be.  I transferred every entry onto a piece of paper and drew the name.  I apologize to those who voted to draw from the original post, I don't mean to offend.  Had I drawn from the original post, the original posters may not have seen that I was resetting the giveaway and quite frankly, I do not have time to chase the winner down...especially since they didn't even know there was a reset on the giveaway!

So....here's the winner:

Jane Campbell!!!

Okay...here's the deal - Jane, contact me with your email address by Sunday morning.  If I do not hear from the winner by Sunday 31 July, I will draw another name, so keep checking back until I confirm the winner has contacted me.

The contacts and prize must be sent by Saturday of next week because I am leaving for a 2 WEEK VACATION on Monday morning, 9 August!  Yup...I'm going to see my mom in North Carolina!!  It will take me two days to drive there, I will be spending a week with mom and dad at their house.....and for the best part:  Dad has rented a house on the ocean shores of Oak Island for a WEEK...we are talking the beach front here, folks!!!!  

I can't wait - I love the ocean so much, I have a mini-ocean in my family room!  My coral reef tank I have posted about in the past.  I have never had the opportunity to spend so long at the ocean, I am not passing this up!  Therefore, the prize has to get mailed before I leave.  In addition, I am doing custom jewelry sets for a wedding party of 5, a custom order of 9 pieces of button jewelry for the editor of a popular garden journal in my area and finishing a 60" x 60" quilt for a woman to give to her daughter that just got back from Afghanistan (she's a medic in the Air Force).  Plus working the evening away making 1940's dresses to wear during the vacation.  Whew - it sure is busy here.  Hubby is getting lonely with the hours I have been in my studio this past week!

So the race is on!  Thank you to everyone who commented :)