Day Two: Beach

Of course, when I have people down from Massachusetts the weather takes a turn for the worse. They must have brought the crappy, overcast weather with them. Luckily, we did make it to the beach while it was still a little sunny out. And it was HOT. Like, my skin felt like it was on fire...even with my SPF 50!

I'm a huge dummy. I brought my camera...with no memory card. And my sister, being a typical sister, won't let me use HER pictures until SHE posts them on HER Facebook. So, I'm forced to use crappy phone pictures!

Keith decided he wanted an adventure at the beach, so he took off on his "man-walk" to the pier. Which was so far away that I couldn't even get a decent picture of it! Me and Michelle tried to catch crabs but every time I got one it freaked me out. Creepy crawly! We chatted and got some rays. I'm not sure how long Keith was gone for but it seemed like for-ev-er.

We were going to get tattoos. But I guess "my" tattoo place isn't open on Tuesday. Such a random day to be closed! So instead we went home and waited for Danny to get out of work. The clouds rolled in and it looked like it was going to downpour! Luckily it held out til after we grilled out for dinner. We had awesome steaks, veggies and risotto cakes. YUM!

Me and Danny are used to doing nothing during the week. It's hard to think of things to do at night, in a town that shuts down at 5PM. We headed to the mall, I'm pretty sure we were the only ones there. The boys just finished an intense game of Wii golf. And now we're gonna pop some popcorn and watch a movie. Now we just have to decide which one!

Danny is officially on leave for the rest of the week! Tomorrow starts all the fun!