Christmas in July!

This weekend was so awesome. Friday I hungout with some of my favorite bloggers. Saturday me and Danny did some school shopping for Kaleb and had a picnic on the beach. I didn't think it could get much better, but boy was I surprised!

We had Danny's mom and step-dad over for lunch yesterday. Like my Mom, I made way too much food. We had sweet and sour kielbasa, pesto pasta salad, hamburgers and hot dogs. Danny's mom surprised us with a big bottle of Olive Garden wine, one to have with lunch and one for us to keep! Seriously, best wine ever! We chatted and had a good time. Miley was such a good girl, she gets excited when people first walk in..but then she calms down.

THEN, the best part of the weekend happened. My sister and her boyfriend, Keith, finally got here! I am so so so excited that they are here. One of the first things they said to us was "Mom thinks its Christmas." Then they told us all about gift bags that Mom filled up.

To properly explain how awesome my Mom is, I need to do it with pictures.

Mom made gift bags for their road trip. Lots of goodies and suntan lotions!
They also had a huge cooler full of food, snacks and drinks.

Then, there were HUGE black bags. The tag said "Have a great night at Paul McCartney!"
So, I think this will be my outfit for the concert!

AND! An awesome bag and wristlet. LOVE LOVE LOVE these!

Danny got two new shirts and Miley got some bones. Mom never forgets the puppy! Mom also made reservations at a hotel for after the concert, dinner at a sushi place AND breakfast the following morning. Remember: We are not spoiled...we are very well taken care of.

I got this shirt too....things that crack me up about it: drinking, on a motorcycle, in an apron...made by the company "Tits"...interesting!

I'm not sure who's more excited about Michelle and Keith being here. Miley loooooves Michelle already. They were cuddling on the couch and giving each other kisses. My dog is such a traitor! But look how cute they are!