Rest of the Summer Plans

We plan to have a few more cookouts before the summer is over. Believe it or not, the freezer is still full of Omaha Steaks..and we're expecting more hamburgers in the mail this week. I tweeted that the burgers were a little small, Omaha Steaks saw that, apologized and insisted on sending me bigger burgers. Now that's good customer service!

My sister and her boyfriend will be here in exactly one week. So excited for that. We have an awesome night in Charlotte planned. We have reservations at a fancy-shmancy sushi place, a hotel reserved...and we're seeing this guy in concert!

We'll go to the beach a lot before the summer is over. Free fun! I love taking Miley to the beach, she loves to run and chase the waves. It's a lot of fun for all of us. I'm sure me and my sister will be spending a lot of time sitting on the beach while she is here...and getting this inked on our bodies....

Last night I saw a commercial for Busch Gardens and decided we have to go there before the summer is over. I look it up, we get free tickets. Found a hotel that we can bring Miley to, with no charge. Only a few hours away, gas isn't too expensive. And we save our change...and yes, our CHANGE is paying for this trip. SO EXCITED!

So excited about our Myrtle Beach trip at the end of August. My friend Lindsey is coming down, my friend Danielle is going to meet us there with her boyfriend...and a lot of alcohol will be consumed. It's a MUCH needed trip and I am so so so so so so excited!

My sister is bringing my wedding dress down with her. Trash the dress pictures WILL be happening.

With any luck we'll be in Maine for Labor Day and Danny's birthday. We'll be on the lake, soaking in the sun and relaxing. 

What do you have planned for the rest of the summer?