Shopping, Swapping and Eating

Does anyone else feel like the weekend flew by? I don't even feel like we did anything, but looking back..I guess it was a good weekend!

Danny usually gets out of work late on Friday nights, so I was a little surprised when he came strolling in the house early. We grilled some steaks and I made a yummy pasta salad. In case you were wondering, we still have a freezer full of Omaha Steaks! After dinner we headed to the store so I could get everything for my swap partner. I had a hard time sticking to the gift limit...the limit that I chose for everyone! Oops! I think Brittney will like everything I sent.

You know what I hate about Jacksonville? There are about five Post Offices, and none of them open on Saturday. Also, there are about a BILLION banks in Jacksonville...and most of them are not open on Saturdays. It doesn't make sense to me. Half of the town works the same hours, doesn't it make sense to be open one of the few days they have off?

Anyway, Saturday morning we had to travel to Richlands. It's not THAT far away..but it's the fact of the matter! The postal worker asked me if the package was fragile. Why do they do that? I said yes, he put a stamp on it...and then tossed it into the bucket. Maybe fragile has a different meaning at a Post Office, but I thought it meant "breakable?!" I'm crossing my fingers that nothing breaks on its travels out to California!

We were going to spend the day in New Bern exploring, but the weather wasn't really on our side. So we ended up watching LOST. This is the third time I've watched the entire season and now that we know how it ends...I catch little things that I've never noticed before. It's like a game. And Kate still bugs me. I wish they killed her off in season one.

I planned a surprise date for Saturday night. When I lived in Chapel Hill we always went to Hams for awesome spinach artichoke dip (they put bacon on top!) and beers. I randomly Googled Hams locations the other day and apparently there used to be one in New Bern. I looked up the new name of the place...SAME MENU! So, even though I told Danny the name of the restaurant we were going to it was still a surprise. He was clueless until we walked in and there was a sign that said "still accepting Hams gift certificates." The artichoke dip was just as good as we remembered! To top the night off we shared some chocolate peanut butter ice cream. A great date night!

Yesterday Danny had some friends over for a little cookout (um, all we do is eat....) My Mom makes awesome sweet and sour kielbasa, I know how she makes it...but I wanted to put my own spin on it. I randomly combined some ingredients...and must have been good because those boys ate it up in! We watched the World Cup. Even though I thought the game was a little boring, I think it's pretty sweet that Spain one! And isn't that who Paul the Octopus said would win?!

We finished season two of LOST last looks like we'll be moving on to Season three tonight! At this rate I'm going to need to buy season five this weekend! Cross your fingers that the pawn shop has it cheap!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Navy ladies, have you entered my giveaway? Don't miss out! Link is up top!