A View from the Garden......

My Passionflower is finally shooting blooms!

I love roses...but I am so particular about them.   If they are not David Austin roses, I don't want to grow them!   He specializes in old, antique varieties...my favorite!

Unfortunately, even David Austin roses are not immune to those horrible Japanese Beetles!  I keep spraying them with garlic juice (they hate garlic juice), but if I don't get them re-sprayed after it rains right away, the beetles come back to much away....

Evidence of more beetle damage...

My victory garden....the peas are gone, the yellow and green beans are just about done, the cukes are going.  Waiting for the peppers, tomatoes, red and white onion and my son's jalepenos!

Black hollyhocks....

My favorite wildflower (outside of Queen Anne's Lace, which is really considered a weed)....Black-Eyed Susans!

The frog pond...completely loaded with frogs and tadpoles....

Pink Phlox...

Oh, and my hens and chicks made this crazy flower stalk!  I have had them in my memory garden for about 7 years and I have never seen them do this before :)

Balloon flower...I know, I need to dead-head....


rose of sharon....

 and finally, Bee Balm....

(a bee balm flower just opening....)

Thank you for joining me for a stroll through my gardens!  There is so much more to see, but I just wanted to share with you my favorites :)

Have a great weekend....and spend some time in your gardens....