Day Five: Pay Day Rants, Tattoos and Cookout!

So, it's payday. I'm not sure if I've ever voiced my opinion about how much I hate direct deposit. I don't like having the money go into one spot. I like having a check in my hand, going to the bank, cashing it..and deciding how much I want to keep there. I live by the envelope system. I have since I was 16 and I really don't see myself ever backing away from it. I think it's hard for people to understand how it works. Danny doesn't. He just knows we are saving money. Anyway, today was payday. I had a fit this morning about how much I hate direct deposit...and then we moved on and I filled up my envelopes.

Me and Michelle went to Walmart to get stuff for the cookout. Like I said, it's payday. She thought it was so funny that everyone was stocking up on things for the next few weeks. I just think it's funny that you can tell when the entire town gets paid. Do most people just do their grocery shopping on payday? Maybe it's with the help of the envelope system that we go every week. I can't imagine getting everything I need/want only twice a month.

Okay moving on from my rant!!

Me and Michelle got tattoos today! We both got "Let It Be." She got it on her foot, I got mine on my wrist. That makes number 7 for me. And way more for Michelle! I just decided that someday I'm going to do a blog entry on all of HER tattoos! As usual the tattoo artist thought it was my first one. I guess I should start getting bigger more obvious ones! AND he thought all The Beatles were still alive...he must live under a rock!

 I'm paranoid that the birds don't look like birds!
I see a starfish, dolphin and wishbone...

We had a cookout tonight! The four of us, Reina and Dave, and Dan and Natosha. We had wayyy too much food. Reina made an awesome dessert, we named it the candy apple dip. It was a-maaa-zing! Miley even had a little play date!

Somehow we ended up at the bowling alley. Very rowdy, some of the boys had way too much to drink. It was a fun time hanging out with everyone!