
I haven't been keeping up with the awards I've been getting! So, since I have nothing exciting to talk are the awards! Both of these are from Rachel over at The Life and Times of a Military Spouse. Make sure you head over and check out her blog!

The first award is the Life is Good award. I love love love this award. Why? Well, because life really is good. And I love the Life is Good company! Check back tomorrow...I'll have more on that topic!!

The rules are simple, choose 5 blogs to share the love with.

The next award is the One Lovely Blog award. I can't take credit for my lovely layout and header...that's all Mrs. Gambizzle. But the content, all me...I lay everything out there for everyone to read!

To accept, I need to share 7 things about myself and pass the award onto 9 lovely blogs. 

1) I have had my Blackberry for less than 24 hours...aaaand I'm already addicted.

2) I love cheese. I haven't met a cheese I didn't like! Except, one time I went to a Christmas party and they put pate on the cheese plater...I did not like that!

3) I love to travel. I have been to England, France, Ireland, St. Thomas, Aruba and Jamaica. Along with numerous trips to Disney, roadtrips to Myrtle Beach, a family trip to West Palm Beach...and many many other awesome places.

4) I like not working. It can be boring..but I love keeping the house in order, cooking, cleaning and spending time with my husband. It's not what I pictured for myself. I would love to go back to school (I have my degree in History) and maybe take some advertising/marketing classes. 

5) My biggest pet peeve is when people "ew" food. If you haven't tried it, how do you know you don't like it. If you know you don't like, don't say "ew." Obviously I like it. It's just plain-ol-rude.

6) I can't afford my favorite store, Anthropologie, I never could. I don't know how it is my favorite if I have never actually bought anything for myself!

7) I hate sneakers. I love flip flops and boots. Sneakers make me feel short and stubby.

 Now, here are the 9 blogs to get the award from me!

Enjoy your awards! I love reading all of your blogs!