Remember These? A Giveaway...

I finally got a hold of the winner who was going to email me her address.  Well, I never heard from her again.  This has never happened before.  Therefore, I have a little situation on my hands and need your help!

I have two options, in which you will help me decide what to do:

1)  Draw another number from the comments on the original giveaway.  Drawback will be that most of the people who entered think someone else already won, therefore, they may not get back to this site to see that they won in the second draw...


2) Choose a random number from the comments on this post.

Here is how we will do this....Majority Rules.  If more than 50% of comments believe we should choose from the original comments, we will do so.  If more than 50% of comments believe we should draw from comments on this post, I will draw randomly from comments on this post. enter, simply comment which option you think I should take.
To earn another entry - in case we use these comments, simply follow this blog (or indicate that you already do)
To earn yet another entry, "Like" my FaceBook Page

I will close the voting July 29, 2010 at Midnite, EST.

Please be sure to comment separately for each one you do.  (Nevermind the comment moderation...I do that so that spammers can't spam my older posts!)

Okay...decide away!!!!