Grown Ups, Bowling, and Breakfast

I'm convinced I'll never be able to sleep in again. I'm searching my brain for the last time I slept past 7:30. I can't come up with anything. The day after our wedding we were up at's been a trend ever since then. Miley is an early bird, 6:11 everyday. No matter how much I beg and plead with her...she refuses to go back to sleep. But apparently nap time is at 8:00. And when I wake her up..she isn't very happy with me. See, how do you like it?!

Anyway, even with the lack of sleep it was still an awesome weekend. We finally got to see Grown Ups. I loved it, I thought it was so funny. It was a good date night!

Danny went golfing on Saturday. We were having a cookout at night, so I spent the day preparing. I made an awesome steak marinade (so simple, put olive oil, lemon juice, lots of garlic, herbs and chopped onion into a blender and blend until smooth...seriously so good) and potato salad. And I was so bored that I suffered through Jersey Girl.

We had Danny's friend and his wife, Natosha, over for dinner. It's always awkward to me when we have people over who I never met before. Especially if it's a girl, I feel like I never really have anything to talk about (most of them are so much younger.) Like me, she also doesn't work, but she doesn't know anyone...and she hasn't been out to explore. Not that there is much to explore in Jacksonville..but she has never even been to Wilmington! So, I told her we would have to go on a mini roadtrip and do some shopping!

After dinner we went bowling on base. Besides my drinking in the barracks (uh...yea..) I've never hungout on base before. I kicked butt my first game, but when more people start showing up..I get nervous and I start sucking! I had a lot of fun though, it was nice to get out and hangout with another couple.

Danny got trashed. It was hysterical. Two in the morning he decided he needed to go the bathroom. But he was standing at the wall, trying to open an invisible door. I was dying laughing, trying to ask if he even knew where the bathroom was. That's how you know you had a successful night out!

We went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I swear, whoever invented the hashbrown casserole needs some sort of award. It's so yummy. We did the Sunday routine haircut. We were supposed to have a lazy Sunday. Danny ended up going paint-balling with some guys. So, me and Miley spent our Sunday watching WE TV and wishing we were millionaires.

Right now we are planning a trip to Busch Gardens! Free tickets, not too far away to worry about cost of gas, cheap hotel that allows dogs. I'm in!

My only complaint about the weekend? It went by way too fast.

OH! And please vote for Miley on this site! Please and thank you!