I Love a Good Miley Story!

I have a silly, silly puppy on my hands.

We have had the same routine for the past few weeks. Eat, Lost, sleep...repeat. I'm sure it's very boring for the puppy, but once you get addicted to Lost (again) there's no turning back!

Miley wanted to mix things up a little bit last night. And we all got a good laugh out of it! She likes to run...fast. She did her usual laps around the house, but then she grabbed her water bowl. I yelled "If you break that you're not...." CRASH! "....getting another one." I walked into the kitchen and the bowl was in three pieces. So until we get to the store...she only has one bowl!

We were in the middle of an intense episode of Lost. Miley was whining outside of the bathroom door. Why? No idea. I opened the door and forgot about it. A few minutes later I hear another crash. I walk into the kitchen...nothing. I look in the bathroom..nothing. But wait, where's Miley? I pull back the shower curtain and there she is giving me the biggest puppy eyes. She is too cute!

So finally, it was time for bed. I say "Miley, let's go to bed." And she usually follows me in. Last night? She did more laps around the house..Danny came out of the bathroom and she snuck by him and jumped right back in the tub! We finally get her out and she settled under our bed for the night.

The silly puppy has been napping all day. She is probably plotting how she is going to terrorize us tonight!