24 Hour Trip HOME!

That's right! We went to Boston for exactly 24 hours for my Uncle Rick's wedding. It was such an awesome day, so good to see my family, the weather was a huge relief from this constant humidity, and we drank waaayyy too much...

This is the second marriage for both Rick and June. My uncle has three kids and June has one. And that was their wedding party. It was perfect. Cody was the best man, he had a speech written out but decided not to give it. I snuck a peak though. It was so cute and everyone would have cried. He talked about how his dad is his best friend and how June is a great mom to all the kids. He said his favorite time of day is when everyone is sitting at the kitchen table. I love that kid!

Maid of Honor Haley, Flower Girls Allie and Allysa. Best Man Cody.

 We were, of course, the fun table. And we had to prove it. So we jumped up on the table and chairs and sang Sweet Caroline! We grabbed the hula girl cutout and she was our mascot for the night!

We drank way too much. I lost count with the Corona, but I had three shots. DANGEROUS.Fast forward to this morning...I sprang from bed because I didn't know what time it was and didn't want to miss our flight. Well, apparently I'm a smart drunk who can set an alarm clock, print boarding passes, remember to take her birth control AND stop at her old place of business to chat with her managers. I remember very little of this!

I say it all the time...I'm never drinking again. Seriously, after throwing up on the plane I'm never drinking again! Worse? I said "happy fathers day" to my Dad while my head was hanging over a plastic bag on the drive to the airport. AWFUL!

Here's some pictures from the day!