Potty Time

Have you seen Marley and Me? When Owen Wilson's character takes Marley to the beach, takes him off the leash...and then he does it. He goes the bathroom in the water.

We should rename Miley to Marley. That's right. Last night at the beach...Miley not only peed in the water, she pooped! Thank God no one was around, but I was still mortified. It happened in slow motion, but the wave that took it out to sea came so fast. I honestly feel so disgusting that I didn't get to clean it up!

Speaking of Miley's bathroom issues. She was potty trained. She wouldn't pee in the house, she would go to the backdoor, and bark to go out. Apparently she doesn't do this anymore. She will just pee on the carpet by the backdoor. Seriously? BARK! I will let you out! In fact, I want to let you out! Looks like tonight I'll be buying pee-pads, I'm sick of washing my rugs!

One final note, Miley went to the kennel this past weekend while we were in Boston. Her report said that she "loved attention and had fun playing with Sammy." That's it. They never mentioned how she did being in the kennel. I imagine she barked and whined the entire time, because her bark hasn't been right. It's scratchy. I'm not saying I want her to bark all the time, but (since I'm a worry-wart) I'm concerned that something is wrong! Now I'm going to feel guilty when we have to do it again.

Oh, the life of a puppy-mommy!
(PS. I feel like I only blog about Miley in a negative way. I PROMISE she is a good puppy! She is a huge cuddler, she loves to play, she can read my mind and hasn't destroyed anything!)