My Past in Pictures: College Years!

I thought this was a good idea:
Telling my followers all about me
but only using pictures!


Freshman Year: Yes, I totally put on the Freshman Fifteen
My roommates, the one in the middle was AWFUL.

I was almost kicked out of school for enjoying a little too much whiskey..

The first time I brought the girls to our camp in Maine.

 First of many roadtrips to Wilmington, NC (who would have thought I'd be living so close!)

Sophomore Year: The year I decided to lose weight!
  I'm not sure why we were so angry!
Me with my favorite band: OK GO!
I like this picture because it was the first time I could fit into A&F jeans!

Junior Year: The year we all turned 21, celebrated Earth Day and I traveled A LOT!
 This was taken in Ireland. I would go back in a heartbeat!

 I met another favorite band: THE HUSH SOUND!

I sunburn easily, so I sat like this in St. Thomas!

Before I even lived in NC...we were on the local news! 

 This was Earth Day. No alcohol was consumed.

 My friend once dated a Chippendale...

 The girls I used to work with! I love them!

 Me and Chad Michael buds.

 Senior Year: MY FAVORITE  YEAR!
I had 5 different costumes this year! I was a wench at this party!

 I got very very drunk at our Chrismukkah party. I don't remember putting my cape on...

 The best roommates EVER.

 I danced on a bar in Aruba!

 We made awesome Earth Day bags!

 I made Veronica's birthday cake! So so yummy!

 We drove 6 hours to go to Sonic and Joe's Crab Shack. Then turned back around to go home!

 Me and my parents! I graduated with a BS in History
Class of 2008!

 My graduation brunch!

 Ashley's graduation luau!

I miss college! A LOT!
Okay, maybe I just miss living with my best friends!