You Probably Don't Know This, But....

I have a short temper. I'm moody, cranky, and if you piss me don't want to be near me for a long, long time.

About 2 weeks ago, we went to the dog kennel to get information on boarding Miley. The place is really nice and it was busy...and everyone looked happy. They sent us home with all the information we needed to board her for a few days.

Or so I thought.

Danny got home around 5:45 and asked me what time we were supposed to bring Miley to the kennel. I said that it didn't matter, afterall....the papers say its 24 hours and only says there is an extra charge for being picked up late. He decided to call. Apparently last drop off was 5:30. ARG.

So, we get in the car...I forget her toys, treats, and money. But it was pouring out, so I didn't really want to turn around. We get to the kennel, they tell us that there is a $20 late fee. Um, late? Aren't you open 24 hours. I got over it. The lady started asking normal questions...and then she asked for Miley's records.

Oh, you mean the records I asked the other lady about and she said I didn't need to bring them. That I just had to sign a piece of paper saying that she had all of her shots. She tells us we have to go back home and get the papers. In the POURING RAIN. UGH! I might have been a little rude. Okay, I know I was very rude. But honestly, at this point. I didn't care. It's hard enough having to leave your pet for a weekend. Shouldn't these things be listed on the many brouchures that they gave me...that I read cover to cover because I'm a super anal/nervous/scared person.

So, we drive back home. I called my Mom crying, yelling and swearing. I grabbed all of her papers, toys, treats...and the money. We drive back to the kennel, in the downpour, I sat in the backseat because somewhere along the lines Miley stole the front seat from me.

The lady that first talked to us passed us on to another person. Obviously she hates me just as much as I hate her. I could care less. She pissed me off! We were still charged the $20 late fee. I was mad.

Miley didn't hesitate to go with them. They took her collar off, she looked are they going to know who she is?!


You're probably wondering why Miley is in the kennel. We're running away for exactly 24 hours. Hmm..where could we be going?!

Hope you all have a great weekend!