Get in Shape Challenge

I am challenging myself to get back in shape. I have slipped off, fallen and tumbled off of the healthy bandwagon. And it's killing me. A year ago I was happy with my body. Today, I feel like a tub of lard waddling around. My problem? Obsessiveness. I worry too much about what the scale says and not enough about what my body craves and needs. I step on the scale every morning. It needs to stop. I need to start eating right, working out and sticking to a lifestyle plan. Not a diet. (Don't judge, I know I'm not fat, I don't like the way I feel though.)

Here are my stats as of June 14, 2010.
Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 133.6
Goal Weight: 125

BMI: 24.5 (normal)
Total Body Fat Percentage: 18.6%

Waist at Navel: 29 inches
Hip at Widest Point: 38 inches
Thigh: 22 inches
Upper Arm: 11 inches
Calf: 14 inches

Now, I wanted to post pictures to show how I looked last year compared to what I look like now. And, well, when the pictures are next to each other I think I look exactly the same. But the way I have been eating makes me feel gross. So, my goal is to not lose is to eat better and feel better about myself!

Tonight..jogging on the beach with hubby and Miley!