My Creative Space and Sneak Peak for Next Week

My Creative Space is filled with ribbon flowers and more of my cool handmade stamens.  I hand dyed all the ribbons used which was a super-messy process, but it was fun because you can get so creative in the dying process with different textures and combinations.  Above is a wild rose and fuchsia.  Don't let the zoom fool you - they were made with 1/2" ribbon....super tiny!

I have a lot planned for this coming week.  On Monday, I will be revealing my Bead Soup Blog Party piece.  Remember the components I posted that I received from my partner Vintage Blue Studio?  Well, here is a sneak peak at what I designed:
To see all the participants, visit Lori's blog, and make sure you follow her so that you don't miss the next bead soup party!

Since I will be unveiling my piece on Monday, I am planning a giveaway of a piece I made with the leftover components of my bead soup.  I will probably be posting this early Monday morning and the giveaway will more than likely last the week to celebrate the blog party!

Later this week, Paige will finally be getting her cover fitted...lots of pics will be posted of that tedious event.  And don't forget the last minute get together I planned for Mom.  I promise tons of pictures!  It is actually working out quite nicely...only about 15 will be able to make it and everyone offered to bring something to the table.  Whew...makes my job so much easier.  Mom was so happy when I told her this morning.

Have a great weekend, and Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!  My hubby will be getting a home made Black Forest Cake for Father's Day this year!  Mmmmmmm!