Day 13: Aquarium, A Beatle and Medieval Times!

We went to the aquarium this morning! We weren't there too long, but it was seriously a lot of fun! The New England Aquarium always claims to be the best, but I think it's small, stuffy and stinky. Today we went to the Aquarium in Emerald Isle. I thought it was great! Kaleb kept saying how much fun he was having and could have watched the sharks all day! We got our picture taken and I can't wait to get a frame for it. Our first official family picture! The quality of it on here is crappy, it's a picture of a picture...taken with my cell phone!

Miley had her last vet appointment for 6 months. She got the Lyme prevention shot and had her stitches looked at. Still have a perfect puppy! But I do have a question. If they have Lyme prevention for dogs...why don't they have it for humans? If they do, I haven't heard of it!

BREAKING NEWS! We are seeing Paul McCartney this summer!! My Mom got tickets for me, Danny, my sister and her boyfriend. I'm PSYCHED! Honestly, going to be the best night ever!!

So it was about 1:30 when I said, "I bet he would like Medieval Times." The next thing I knew I was purchasing tickets and we were sitting in the car for the 2 hour ride. Kaleb had so much fun! He couldn't wait for the fighting to start. We all wore goofy crowns, Kaleb got a flag and by the end of the show he had a sword and shield! It was an awesome time!

Remember, guest blogging tomorrow!