
Do you remember yesterday when I blogged about getting in shape? Yesterday was great! We had some awesome Dijon grilled pork chops for dinner and I felt good all day. We even went for a jog on the beach with the puppy. And I felt good in my bathing suit.

I was doing so good today...until I opened the fridge and spotted the cheese. That was around the same time I started craving tacos. Really? Who craves tacos at 3:00 in the afternoon. Well, since 3:00 is snack time and not meal time...I made myself some nachos (you know, just a handful of tortilla chips.) Do you put bleu cheese on nachos? Apparently I do! And man-oh-man they were good.

Then, as I was shoving cheesy nachos in my mouth, I remembered my post. I felt so guilty. I felt so fat. But you know what? I kept eating. And thinking about what I was going to make for dinner (my famous buffalo chicken mac and cheese!) And kept saying to myself, "I'll start doing better tomorrow."

This my friends, is exactly what I was talking about yesterday. This is a daily problem for me. I could have chosen anything else, a yogurt, celery and peanut butter, pretzels....anything else would have been healthier than bleu cheese and cheddar nachos!

Today is Wednesday. It's grocery day for us. My list is full of healthy choices, lots of fruits and veggies, healthy & satisfying meals. I will do better. I will do better. I will do better.

For the record...I'm still making the mac and cheese for dinner...