Thursday Five

Thursday Five

YAY! Thursday!
The past week has been awesome.
It's going to be hard to choose only five things that have made me....

Totally Stoked
I am so happy that I decided to  clean under our bed. I found wedding scrapbooking stuff that I got for Christmas! I can't wait to get started on our scrapbook!

I was delighted when I woke up this morning to new customers and orders on my Avon site. Seriously, this makes my day. Oh, and bonus! Tomorrow starts a new campaign, everything is on sale (99 cents for makeup remover, YES PLEASE!) And I want everything.
I'm grateful that I am "well taken care of." Note: not spoiled.

I was stoked to go home for 24 hours. It was so great to have breakfast with my sister and our friend, Lindsey. We had an amazing time at my uncle's wedding. I love love love hanging out with my family, and I love that Danny looooves hanging out with them too. (That's a lot of love!)
I'm thankful for these great bloggers: Jessikuh, Jordan, and Carmen for giving me an award!

To accept, I need to list 5 things I love. I'm going to make it simple. I love my husband, my parents, my sister, my dog, and cool summer nights!

Now, for the 5 blogs that I love. Seriously, I read every single entry. Love you guys! {Mis}Adventures of an Army Wife, Ramblings of a Marine Wife, The Adventures of Mr. Superman and Mrs. S., Peace.Love.Mommy, and Forever Yours, Semper Fi.

Happy Thursday!