Day 14: The Long Goodbye

Yesterday we left our house at 6am to meet Kaleb's Mom is West Virginia. A six and a half hour drive for us. The weather was crappy, a downpour. We stopped at McDonalds in Raleigh for breakfast...and of course they messed up my order! What a wonderful way to start the longest day ever!

Kaleb was excited to see his Mom. He called her like 5 times on the drive to meet her. He was singing and making up words and playing air guitar. Miley just looked at him like he was nuts!

We were making awesome time. Until we crossed into West Virginia. The rain got worse and then there was traffic. Of course, I documented. There was a semi in the middle of the highway. We missed the accident by two minutes. WOAH.

We met Kaleb's mom at 12:30. We said our short, but sad, goodbyes. And then headed back to our car. Miley decided that's when she was a McDonald's fan...and got into all of the wrappers! I wish I could have gotten a better picture of was seriously hilarious!

We got back in the car and started our six and a half hour journey home. It was a quiet, rainy ride. Miley cried because she missed her friend. Every time it started to rain, there was an accident. They even shut down a highway at one point. Around 4:00 we started getting antsy and I snapped this lovey picture of my hubby. Right after this was taken, I swear it stopped raining and it was 90 degrees again.

We finally made it home around 7:30...but that was after yet another McDonalds trip. I swear, if I never see a fast food place again I will be the happiest girl ever!

I've only been up for a half hour, and my house is already too quiet. I already miss having Kaleb around. My house is a mess, video games everywhere and all of our beach stuff. But by the end of the day the mess will be gone and the only sign of Kaleb will be all the pictures and memories that we have made. I seriously didn't expect to have such a great two weeks, but I really did. I already can not wait for his next visit.

Guest bloggers! I need a few more for the summer series! Please e-mail me!