If you're through learning the basics on making chain maille jewelries, then here's an additional tip for you to try and learn.
Photo courtesy of: http://ny-image0.etsy.com/il_430xN.89819144.jpg
You can buy colorful round rings and try to put them together and make a rainbow colored bracelet just like the one above.

Photo courtesy of: http://www.gossamerwingsdesigns.com/images/celticstarkeyringkitpic.jpg
Or you can just try to pick your favorite color and mix and match them with the usual silver colored round rings.
Photo courtesy of: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg143/poohbear1767/Pics/DSC07521-s.jpg
But if you want to be bold, then you can try on mixing and combining round rings with vibrant colors.
Photo courtesy of: http://www.hawkwolfs.com
Or just pick any color you like and combine them. Just let your artistic mind flow and who knows you can make something like the one above.
You can also try on purchasing these rubber round rings. The advantage here is their more flexible.
If you want to see an example of making a colorful bracelet, here's a free video shared by unkamengifts:
If you can't find this video here, click on this link: http://www.diylessons.org/Blue-Rainbow-Chain-Maille-Necklace-Tutorial,name,100367,item_id,0,ad_type,ad_details
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