Kindred Connection: PETS!

Windy Poplars

I haven't done a Kindred Connection in way too long.
Shame on me!
But this week, we're talking about pets!
I couldn't skip the opportunity to put Miley (and Roxy!) in the spotlight!

1) What pets currently reside in your home?
We have a pretty little hound/beagle mix. Her name is Miley and we think she is about 7 months old. She likes to cuddle, chase her tail, do bad things because she will get a bribe-treat to stop, and go through the bathroom trash. The family dog (in Boston) is Roxy. She is a puggle. She will be four in August. She is spoiled, afraid of the water, can jump higher than any person I know and once fell asleep sniffing her own butt.

2) What is one really strange thing your pet does?
I think it's a female dog thing and it's totally nasty. The BOTH like going through the trash when it's "that time of the month." They will dig out tampons and pads, used or not. They like dragging dirty underwear around the house (never guy underwear!) And yes, once we made Miley wear the underwear to teach her a lesson!

3) Now fess up: Give us your nicknames for your pets:
Miley doesn't really have any cool nicknames. I usually call her Little Miss Miley. Roxy has lots of nicknames. Roxstar, Roxy-Roller, Rox-a-doodle. Take a word, add Rox to it...and it's probably one of her nicknames!

4) Are your pets spoiled?
Is the sky blue?

5) Insert picture here:
Oh yay! My favorite part!

