What Have I Gotten Myself Into???

Okay...I think I need to be committed....

As you know, Mom will be up visiting next week, which I truly cannot wait for!  Paige will finally get some clothes, I will get to spend time with Mom and we'll be going just about everywhere!  Every year, Uncle Del has a little Meyerhoefer get-together so Mom can visit with her siblings, but this year he isn't.  Of course, Mom is a little sad about that.  So, I came up with an idea...

I will host the get-together this year!

Now, if you knew my family, you would think I was absolutely crazy!  Do you have any idea how many Meyerhoefer's there are in this family?!  As if I don't have enough to do, right?  Well, Mom WILL be helping me out on this one :)

So, now I sit here asking myself...

What did I get myself into?!