A Message From Miley

Dear Mommy's Blogging Friends,
My Mom is the best, even though she doesn't always let  me bite her hands. And she never seems too happy when I pee in the house. But for some reason, she spoils me. And now one of her friends is spoiling me too!

A few weeks ago, Mommy signed up to play a game with Dexter and Nora and their Mommy, Tiffany. It's called Paw it Forward. I'm not too good with words, so here is a picture showing how it works.

Today my favorite person, the mailman, knocked on our door. I barked a little (gotta protect my Mom!) and then he gave me my package. Mom read the card while I opened the box.

WOW! Look at all this great stuff! I don't even know where to start! Thank you Dexter and Nora! I can't wait to send my friends and my cousin Roxy a package!


PS. Dexter and Nora, those peanut butter treats go great with my Kong!