Typical Conversations

Some of these conversations are full of TMI...consider yourself warned.

Two days after eating corn on the cob:
Danny: how was the corn...?
Me: I never realized I didn't chew corn...

After I looked in the mirror and saw a little pimple:
Me: My face is breaking out so bad 
Danny: Yea, I noticed! 

While at Petsmart, in line, with the money in my pocket...holding a huge bag of dog food and a bone. Danny had Miley...who was sniffing a dog.
Me: Crap, she's peeing...
Danny: Can you clean it up?
Me: (looks at my extremely full hands)
Danny: Fine, hold the leash.
Me: (plops down the food and shoves the bone at him) I'll just do it myself.
(I was extremely frustrated that I had to do everything on that trip...)

Walking through Walmart, I noticed Danny staring at some guy:
Me: Stop staring!
Danny: But he looks just like Jack!
Me: Who the eff is Jack?!
Danny: (giving me the 'duh' look) FROM LOST! 

On another Walmart trip...
Loudspeaker: Would customers Daniel and Nicole please report to customer service, your party is waiting for you.
Danny: Did they catch onto our scam?!
Me: Oh my God. We need to leave.
(turns out they were actually calling Dana and Nicole) Not sure what scam I'm talking about...click here!