June loons A bit of blue

This week I joined the June loons on Folksy with their challenge to list a new item each day for the whole of June.  Never mind listing items (and getting sales!) being in the group is fantastic fun - every day there are great things to see and a brilliant bunch of new friends to chat with.
I've picked just a few delightful blues from the listings that are new this week.  Click on any of the pictures or links below to go directly to the shops.

Amie Rose Designs imogen's imaginationbeadesk
Lonely heartsNorthfield Primitives Drop Scone

1. Simply elegant and stunning colour earrings by Amie Rose Designs
2. Imogen's imagination is responsible for this amazing turquoise bird fascinator.  Wear it to the supermarket, I say, too nice to keep for a special occasion!
3. Strictly, this one is purple, but it's too beautiful to leave out - by beadesk
4. Blue fleecy owl by Lonely Hearts
5. The perfect summer handbag by Northfield Primitives
6. This one is a choice of sea blues or roses - that's a tough one as they are both stunning - by Drop Scone

Lovely, aren't they?  And here's one from me...

Just turquoise earrings £9 on Folksy
which would go beautifully with....
Turquoise and diamond bracelet £17 on Folksy
Watch out for more loon-acy next week!