New Books!

We went to Powell's Books today and my Uncle bought me these books! Now I'm all torn. I have so much to do right now....but I want to make beads! I'm changing over all my earrings to new cards, and I need to assemble the cards and transfer everything before Saturday's market. So that really needs to be my priority right now. But it would be so much more fun to play with the beads!

I've been wanting to expand what I offer in my shop. My shop isn't very well stocked at the moment, but that's because I need to take improved photos, not because I lack inventory. I want to branch out into new areas and featuring fun supplies is one of the things I want to do! I already have some paper beads up in my shop, but I've also been wanting to learn how to create and feature beaded beads and fabric beads. I'll begin to use them in my own work of course, but more than that, I want to have them available to sell!  These books will be perfect to teach me some of the techniques I need to expand my business.

Another thought I've had is that I might see if I can wholesale handmade beads, of any type, to my local bead store. I want to make up a selection and then I'll present my idea to the gal who runs the store that I already have jewelry in on commission. That will be awhile before I get too it because life is busy - but maybe by fall?