Thursday Five

Thursday Five

I love Thursdays.
Do you know why I love Thursday?
It's so close to the weekend
and I get to think back about the five things that have made me


Happy We put up shelves in the living room over the weekend. It only made room for four more pictures and a vase, but I think they look so good. If I didn't think it would look tacky, I would put up more! I also put up a frame-collage with pictures of Danny and Kaleb. It's too cute!

Giddy It's a short week. Danny's first day back to work was Wednesday..and tomorrow is already the weekend. I wish every week was like this! We have lots of fun ideas for our date this weekend too!

Joyful I posted the swap partners yesterday. I have an awesome partner, Brittney from at Day in the Life of a Navy Wife. We e-mailed some questions yesterday and it's been decided that I'm basically shopping for  myself! I can't wait to send out her package! And I can't wait to see what everyone else gets!

Excited This one really belongs in every category! Katie (Diary of a Disgruntled Marine Bride-To-Be AND the new "...Take Me Down to the Little White  Church...") asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding! I am so so so excited! We have become really good friends, and to think we met because of our blogs! I can't wait to help plan her wedding and be a part of her special day!

Appreciative I have received a few awards! (Just an FYI, if I receive an award twice, I don't post an entry on it...but I do thank the person! I really appreciate it! I work hard at my blog!)

One of my newest blog loves, Sarah from Hippie Mommie, gave me the Cherry On Top Award. To accept I have to list 3 things that you love about yourself, and then pass it on to 5 more bloggers who bring a "little bit extra" to the table.

 1) I'm a good cook. And I love cooking for people. It makes me really happy!
2) I love my eyes. They are usually green..but sometimes they change to blue. LOVE IT!
3) I like helping people, I would go out of my way to help a friend

I'm awarding it to one person, because I feel like she deserves it. Mrs. Gambizzle from Life as a Sailor's Girl is an awesome blogger. She goes above and beyond when it comes to helping me with my blog layout. And she has made some awesome buttons for other bloggers. 

The next award is for A Blog with Substance. This is my favorite award so far! To accept I need to give my blogging philosophy in five words and award it to 3 bloggers.

Write more and censor less
(I feel like people try to censor their blog to avoid making others's YOUR blog, do and say what you want.)

Have a great Thursday!