Thursday Five

Thursday Five

I can't complain too much this week is flying by!
What are my complaints?
Oh, just a few burned fingers, a chewed computer charger and a dog that peed on my bed.

But wait!
It's Thursday.
Time to post the five things that have made me






I'm so happy that me and Danny can start saying things like "last year at this time....." We've been together for a little over a year, and married for almost 4 months. Fourth of July was our first holiday together, I can't wait to celebrate again this year!

I'm giddy about the swap I'm planning! Not  sure what I'm talking about? Click here to find out! And don't forget to participate in the poll!

Independence Day fills me with joy! I love everything about it...the food, the fireworks, the activities...the reason we celebrate it.

I'm excited that I have so many new followers! I never imagined I would have 287 people reading this. That reminds me! My 1 year blogoversary is July 15th! 

I'm very appreciative of everything I have, everyone I know, and everything I have been able to do. Life is Good.