Day 10: Crafts, Beach and Pancakes

TEXT MESSAGE FAIL! Last night I sent my Mom a text that said "Danny is taking the weed off me." It was supposed to say "Danny is taking the week off of..." OOPS!! T9 is not always my best friend!

Right now I'm sitting on my living room floor. Just looking around. Holy crap, this house is a mess. Dog toys everywhere, pillows on the floor, Buzz Lightyear wings in front of the door, video games out of their cases, and unfolded blankets. that a piece of dirt I see? I can't wait to get my obnoxiously clean house back.

As if my house wasn't messy enough...we did Father's Day crafts! Three cards! What a lucky guy! Kaleb kept saying "Daddy is going to be SO proud of me." He couldn't wait to give them to his Daddy. We decided we were going to give the cards to him tonight, because he won't be here for Father's Day. (Poor kid had to use my kind-girly scrapbooking supplies. But he did a great job!)

Then we headed to the beach with Breanna! His first beach trip of his time here ended with a thunderstorm...this one ended with him shivering! We had fun splashing in the waves, looking at shells that looked like dinosaurs and finally got a picture of the two of us! Pardon my thunder-thighs, please and thank you!

The beach totallyyyy exhausted me for some reason. Must be the massive sunburn on my shoulders. Is it possible that sunblock doesn't work on me? I use SPF 50 and it hasn't been working! And yes, I reapply at the necessary times! 

Dinner was a bit strange tonight. I pull out the recipes I like from magazines, so I don't even know where I got this one. But it was man's shepherd's pie. Which I think defeats the purpose. It had spinach and mushrooms in it. Kaleb saw me pull the spinach out of the fridge and said "I refuse to eat seaweed!" And he really did refuse to eat dinner. Danny made him sit in the living room until we were done eating. I know he would have eaten it if he didn't see what was in it. Boo on me!

But then I remembered the cards! I called Kaleb into the kitchen and he gave his Dad the cards he made. And he started crying! So, I gave him pancakes for dinner. He was too cute...I couldn't pass up tears.

And how cute is this?!?

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