Day 11: Lion King, Alien Abductions, and A Package

Hubby didn't have to go to work until noon today. I love having him around. However, I'm the type of girl who needs a full cup of coffee and sugar in my system before you should talk to me. Danny on the other hand....well, he woke up singing the Lion King theme song at the top of his lungs. You know, the one that just sounds like weird noises....

Kaleb woke up screaming and crying in the middle of the night. The only reason I heard him is because Miley started whining. He missed his Mom and his ear hurts. He talked to his Mom when he woke up this morning, she then sent me a text message saying "Oops, I should have told you he has tubes in his ears." Yes, that would have been nice to know!

I think aliens abducted me. Because there is no way I could get a bruise like this and not remember hurting myself. This picture doesn't even begin to describe what it looks like. It's a bright red line and two things that look like finger prints. It freaks me out because it doesn't look like any bruise I have ever had. If it doesn't go away (or fade) in a few days...I want to get it looked at. Yes, I worry about everything.

We got a a package in the mail from my Mom today! It was seriously awesome. Miley got some treats, Danny got a shirt, I got a dress and a book and Kaleb hit the motherload. That kid has a brand new wardrobe. And she sent me my mail...I got two free nail polishes from Martha Stewart. Apparently I entered a contest. I don't remember doing that, but it was a great surprise!

I was going to make French toast for breakfast, but since it was just me and Kaleb I asked what he wanted. He said "bacon." Sure, I love bacon! We had bacon and cheese sandwiches. God, so unhealthy! Diet starts Monday. Seriously!

Tomorrow is Friday. Thank God. I feel like this has been the longest week. Only a few more days with the little man, and we have some fun stuff planned for the weekend!

30 Day was YouTube video day!
I'm canceling my giveaway. To all the people (all 4 of you...) who have entered, I'm saving your entries and when I try again later you will get a few extra entries! Sorry ladies!
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