Or, I should say...I had this coffee pot. It decided to break on me this morning. I came in from letting the dog out and there was coffee EVERYWHERE. Biggest mess ever.
After cleaning up the coffee waterfall, I attempted to watch the news...but Miley threw up! So, instead of the news..I did more cleaning. Did I mention this was all before 8AM? And with no coffee in my system. Not a good way to start the day!
The sun was shining so me, Kaleb and Miley went for a little walk. And when the sun shines in North Carolina..you sweat. We went inside to get a drink...Kaleb wanted fruit punch. He set it down on the counter. We both walked away, I heard a crash. Miley decided she wanted fruit punch. Good thing I never got around to putting away the cleaning stuff! (this is when I started getting a lack-of-coffee headache....)
Luckily, I thought the day was flying by! But not Kaleb...he must have asked me atleast 20 times "when my Dad gonna be home?" When it was time for lunch he said he wanted "frozen corn, the kind Daddy likes." So, I whip out the Kids Cuisine that he picked out and stuck it in the microwave. He said "no, it's not frozen." Guess Danny should have said you COOK the frozen corn!!! He wanted little frozen corn ice cubes!
Finally after all of the craziness I convinced Kaleb to stop playing the Wii and to relax with some TV. Thankfully Miley got the hint...and she relaxed with some TV too!
I should have known it was too good to be true. I decided it was time to make chocolate chip cookies. I had them on the counter to cool, we were all hanging out in the living room. Until Miley decides she wants some cookies to go with her punch. She didn't really get them, she put her paws on the counter. I don't know why she does this. We have never given her table food or encouraged this habit. I yell no, snap my fingers, spank her butt (lightly, not into doggy abuse!) but nothing works. Oh, did I mention this was when my dishwasher stopped working and I had to hand wash the entire load from the night before. This is also when I told Danny he should bring a coffee home with him! Kaleb came into the kitchen and said "Nicole, you're having a baaaaad day." That's right little buddy, I sure am!
The best part of the day was when Danny came home. He brought me the biggest iced coffee..and it was by far the best iced coffee I have ever had. After dinner, we went for a walk, the boys played catch and my devil puppy acted like a dog. Yay for a happy ending to the longest day ever!
Thank you for reading this way-too-long post. What's the moral of the story? Always make sure you have a working coffee pot.