Love Games

I saw this posted on Stephanie's blog and wanted to take part! I'm going to pass the computer over to Danny and have him answer the questions! I'm already excited to read his answers!

1.  What is the first thing you noticed about your wife when you met?  The very first thing. How short and beautiful she was. (Aw. I am short...Kaleb said I had baby-legs!)

2.  What is something your wife does that drives you crazy? (In a bad way, let's not get freaky on here people!) Tells me how to push a shopping cart around Walmart (In my defense, you totally almost ran people over the other day!)

3.  If money wasn't an option what is one thing you would make sure you always had done for your wife? A clean....(I'm not sure if he's saying I don't clean good enough, or he wants to give me the day off!)

4.  When do you find your wife most attractive?  First thing in the morning (He tells me that all the time, I still don't believe it!)

5.  What does your wife do for you that you totally appreciate and would miss if it was gone? Dinner on the table every night (mmm...the way to a man heart IS through his stomach)

6.  If you had your wedding day to do over again and everything was your call, would you keep everything the same?  Change something? Everything?  Elope or if you eloped vice versa? (Non couples or friends can make up a different question here) Keep it the same (Ditto, wouldn't change anything. It was perfect)

7.  What's one beauty up keep that you wish your wife didn't do?  Or what's one beauty thing you wish she did do? Hmm......keep her the same.....there is nothing I would want her to change (I know something I would change, I need to get my eyebrows done!)

8.  If you could go or be any where in the world with your wife right now, where would that be? Australia. (And New Zealand!)

9.  What is one moment you wish you could back and relive with your wife just to get to experience again?  Would you change anything? Our first date.........Yes, I would pull money out of my bank account beforehand rather than leaving her at the table wondering if I was ever coming back. (HAHA. I knew you would come back! You still had beer left!)

10.  What do you love most about your wife? Her eyes. (Quick! What color are they!?)